Last night, I had my farewell party. Everyone was drunk except me. I never used to drink but I can manage. I woke up so late (9am). I started my day seeing at my phone with some missed calls from my parents. I promised to be home early at Cebu however I never made it. I woke up late and still sleepy. I'm staring at my PSP while my other friend Chai2 is still asleep. The music is so gOOooOd. It makes me feel great. I receive a phone call from my best friend and I'm really asking for an apology of not seeing her for the last time. My father made a phone call again and asking when I'll be back at Cebu.. So now, got to go.... see you when I'm home at Cebu. My internet at home is bad but still at least I can do blog! Hehehe

Hapi Monday Everyone!
posted by t i n G at 9:22:00 PM |


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